In the telecommunication industry a few companies offer part time jobs for students especially in the departments of customer service such as call center, marketing sector etc. Some renowned multinational courier service providers also offer part time jobs for their call service centers. This offer is also available in coaching centers, beauty parlors, advertising agencies, and Media related business organizations. Non-Government Organization and project based Government Organization offer part time employment opportunities for data collection,
analysis, design and other relevant works. Recently a number of private TV channels have launched in the country and they are providing the scope of part time work as news presenter, contributor, program presenter, and reporter and in some other sectors.
Now we are stay on digital culture. World touch highest technology. As I blogger i suggest you to be a online blogger by which you may earn more money at the time of student. You can learn Blogging, SEO, Online Marketing, Affiliation etc. You have big opportunity to work in oDesk.com.
But Pay Per Click, Advertiser pay etc, job offer really is not good and sometimes it may practices unethical way. So try to avoid those types of jobs.
But Pay Per Click, Advertiser pay etc, job offer really is not good and sometimes it may practices unethical way. So try to avoid those types of jobs.
Agani, I suggest all of you to try to part time business, i know also it is so much difficult in Bangladesh environment. But this time is right to fight with your self. Because all of the student should try to entrepreneur. So friend best of luck, have a nice carrier and thank you from part time jobs Bangladesh.