Law of offer and acceptance; The contract Act Contains rules regarding Offer which is narrated under bellow: 1) An offer may be express or may be implied from the circumstances. 2) An offer may be made to a definite person. 3) Legal relationship is required. 4) The terms of the offer must be certain, definite, unambiguous and not vague; 5) A mere statement of intention is not an offer; 6) An offer must be communicated to the offer; 7) An offer may be conditional.
Assignment Of e-Commerce (Part-B)
1.3 Why it is necessary in Bangladesh:assignment of e-commerce
IT can be very inconvenient for a consumer not getting a product in his locality when it is available in other places. It happens in Khulna and other areas. For example, Khulna residents need to come to Dhaka to buy rare medicines. Students of Rajshahi University need to come to Dhaka to get their reference books at Nilkhet. It would be convenient for them if they could order online. It would save their time as well as money as consumers.
For the country, it would increase employment.
Assignment Of e-Commerce (Part-A)
Assignment Of E-commerce: is one of the best website facilitating online shopping and sending gifts to all cities in Bangladesh. It starts journey from 2004. Its main office is in USA. Its operate business in Dhaka city to whole Bangladesh. Utshob website starts developing in India. Utshob combo is totally a new idea in e-commerce market. Most of the seller offer individual product in their webpage. But in Utshob combo customer can get more then 4 products in a click. So it is easier for buyer to choose the product rather then spending more time to find out product in different category.
Insurance Study Materials ( Part- C)
Difference between assurance and insurance:Insurance Study Materials
One thing that many people find confusing is the specific use of the term "insurance" and the use of "assurance". What are the differences between them? In general, the term insurance refers to providing cover for an event that might happen while assurance is the provision of cover for an event that is certain to happen.
One thing that many people find confusing is the specific use of the term "insurance" and the use of "assurance". What are the differences between them? In general, the term insurance refers to providing cover for an event that might happen while assurance is the provision of cover for an event that is certain to happen.
Insurance Study Materials ( Part- B)
Principles of Insurance:Insurance Study Materials
Risk transference, sometimes called ‘pooling’, involves the transfer of risk from the individual to a pool of the insurance company’s policyholders. The insurance company charges a fee, the premium (or part thereof), for accepting the risk and ‘pools’ the premiums from a group of policyholders into a general fund to fund the death benefits under contract.
Risk transference, sometimes called ‘pooling’, involves the transfer of risk from the individual to a pool of the insurance company’s policyholders. The insurance company charges a fee, the premium (or part thereof), for accepting the risk and ‘pools’ the premiums from a group of policyholders into a general fund to fund the death benefits under contract.
Insurance Study Materials ( Part- A)
Insurance Concept: insurance study materials
Insurance-promise of reimbursement in the case of loss; paid to people or companies so concerned about hazards that they have made prepayments to an insurance company.
Insurance-written contract or certificate of insurance
Insurance -protection against future loss
Insurance- in its basic form is defined as “ A contract between two parties whereby one party called insurer undertakes in exchange for a fixed sum called premiums, to pay the other party called insured a fixed amount of money on the happening of a certain event."
Insurance-promise of reimbursement in the case of loss; paid to people or companies so concerned about hazards that they have made prepayments to an insurance company.
Insurance-written contract or certificate of insurance
Insurance -protection against future loss
Insurance- in its basic form is defined as “ A contract between two parties whereby one party called insurer undertakes in exchange for a fixed sum called premiums, to pay the other party called insured a fixed amount of money on the happening of a certain event."
Managerial Accounting Solutions (Chapter -2/A)
Cost Term Concept And Classification of Managerial Accounting Solutions : 01. Concepts and Classification;
A product cost is any cost involved in the purchase or the manufacture of goods. In the in the case of manufactured goods, this costs consists of direct materials, direct labor and manufactured overhead. A period cost is a cost that is taken directly to the income statement as an expense in the period in which it is incurred.
02. Since product cost follow units of product into inventory, they are sometimes called inventoriable cost, the flow is from direct materials, direct labor and manufacturing overhead into work in process. As goods are completed, their cost is removed from work in process
Introduction Of Hypothesis And Research Problem (Chapter 1/A)
i. The right question must be addressed.
ii. Alternative approach.
iii. What the decision marker would like to know.
iv. Determination & structuring the decision maker’s question.
v. Criterion for choosing the best alternatives.
vi. The researcher must avoid the acceptance of the superficial & the oblivious.
Project Management Definition And More ( Chapter 1/A)
• According to the Project Management Institute (PMI) in PMBOK Guide 2000. − ‘Projects are defined as complex efforts, made up of interrelated tasks, to be completed within a limited time frame and budget, with a well-defined set of objectives.’
• In order to recognize if your work is a project or not you may try to answer several questions:
Managerial Accounting Solutions (Chapter-1/B)
JIT Consequences: Managers that attempted to implement the JIT approach found that it was necessary to make other major improvements in operations if inventories were to be significantly reduced. First, production would be held up and a deadline for shipping a product would be missed if a key part was missing or was found to be defective, so supplies had to be able to be delivered defect free goods in just the right quantity and just when needed.
Managerial Accounting Solutions (Chapter-1/A)
01. Concepts;
Managerial Accounting Solutions:
Managerial accounting (MA) is concerned with providing information to managers for their use internally in the organization. Financial accounting is concerned with providing information to stockholders, creditors and others outside of the organization.
02. Role of Managerial Accounting;
Essentially, the manager carries the following major activities in an organization namely planning, organizing, leading, coordination and controlling. All these activities involve decision making. Let us explain the role of MA in these major activities briefly:
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